Guiding Adolescent Parents (GAP)
A home-based parenting program striving to ensure adolescent parents have resources and support needed to become successful and sustainable families.
- Child must be under the age of one and eligible for Choctaw Membership
- Must be seeking Education or Employment at time of application
- Must be 24 years of age or younger
- Must reside in the Choctaw Nation Service Area
How to Apply
Contact the program for application.
Additional Information
Striving to ensure adolescent parents have the available resources and individual support needed to become successful and sustainable families by improving outcomes in the areas of family health, education or employment and safety.
Participants of the program will receive twice-a-month home visits following the Parents-as-Teacher (PAT) evidenced-based curriculum; family and child assessments to track and monitor development; and supportive services for family needs through a variety of available resources.