Family Preservation

Provides services designed to prevent family disruption and out-of-home placement by meeting the needs of a family in times of crisis.


  • The family must have a child residing in the home who is eligible for a CDIB.
  • The child must be at risk of abuse or neglect while in the home or is removed from the home with a plan to return to the home.
  • The family must reside in the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.

How to Apply

Call or visit the local office for Family Preservation assistance.

Additional Information

The purpose of the program is to empower families to provide adequate safe care for at-risk children by identifying their strengths, assisting them with finding solutions, promoting family strengths, stability, parental functions and supporting self-reliance through short-term family supportive services, intensive family services or in-home services.

Children and Family Services accepts referrals from other Choctaw tribal programs and facilities, state agencies, public referrals and voluntary referrals. Once a case is found appropriate for the Family Preservation Program’s services, the client/family will be contacted to assess family conditions and services needed to maintain the family unit.