Chahta Himmitoa Aiahli Tohnochi (CHAT)

Seeking to prevent youth delinquency through mitigating mental health and substance abuse conditions by providing behavioral health counseling using techniques that are trauma focused and age appropriate.


  • Must be referred by one of the Choctaw Nation Outreach Service programs, Choctaw Nation Juvenile Services or a school in the Choctaw Nation service area
  • Must be a Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma tribal member
  • Must reside within the Choctaw Nation Service Area

How to Apply

Request a referral from a case worker or the school. After an intake appointment, CHAT staff will determine acceptance. Acceptance will be based on capacity and need, as well as program criteria.

Additional Information

Chahta Himmitoa Aiahli Tohnochi provides behavioral health services to school age youth aged 5-17, or grades K-12.

Empowering Success for Choctaw Youth, CHAT is about preventing youth delinquency through mitigating mental health, co-occurring and substance abuse conditions prevalent among Choctaw youth and by redirecting clients to invest in their future. CHAT offers hope and an alternative to substance abuse, untreated mental health issues and illegal activity as a way of preventing delinquency by focusing on academics, mentoring and long-term goal setting.