Chahta Inchukka
A home-based parenting program that provides child development and parenting support to families with a Native child under the age of one through home-based parenting services.
- Must be pregnant with a Native American baby or parenting a Native American child under the age of one
- Must be determined to be in an at-risk situation
- Must reside within the Choctaw Nation service area
How to Apply
Please contact the program for application.
Additional Information
The program provides parents the information, encouragement and support they need to help their children develop during the early years of life. Home visitors utilize the Parents as Teachers curriculum to provide development and parenting information. In addition, assessments such as the Parenting Stress Scale, Edinburgh Depression Screening, and Ages and Stages Questionnaires are used to monitor growth, development and well-being of the parent and child.
Home Visitors meet with participants twice a month and provide a monthly Group Connection. The family centered Group Connections also utilize the Parents as Teachers curriculum and provides families with information on child development, resources for family well-being and social networking with peers.