What tips do you have for conserving resources?
Together, we're more. Published April 1, 2022We’re collecting stories from our tribal members, community partners, associates and anyone else who is Choctaw Proud. Share yours here.
Visit our Recycling services webpage for more information about recycling and conserving our resources.
Caring about them and teaching the future generations to care about them, without margin for deviation. Earth’s resources are finite; there are no more when we are out. To conserve what we have left, it is imperative that absolutely no one is left with the belief that we can keep burning through what remains, and it will be fine. Short answer. People need to actually CARE.
– Felicia Boites
Harness the free energy that comes from the earth and is in the atmosphere.
– Michael Brent Hall Sr.
We have solar panels and an electric car. I also am a weaver and use yarns that were destined for the land fill. Here is one of the tool bags I have made with reclaimed cotton and linen yarns.
– Shelly Bliss Thompson
Using solar lighting wherever possible is an excellent method of conserving energy.
– Patsy Eyachabbe
Incorporating more solar into Choctaw Nation buildings. Cutting back (pun intended) on landscaping and using more native grasses. Rainwater program for tribal members. Home garden program for tribal members. More sustainable grasses for tribal ranches; stop using Bermuda. Using federal grants to improve unused land and lease it for high dollar hunting. Rivercane breaks and hickory tree restoration.
– Ryan L. Spring
It is the same now as it was taught by our fathers and their fathers and their fathers… never take more than you need, and always use all that you take! Respect.
– Anita Padgett
I have made a rain barrel out of a 55gal drum and fills with the natural tears from the sky.
– Dorothy Mccann
I think back on the old saying “Waste not, want not. Today, that applies to most everything — gas for the car, electricity, water, etc. This year, I’m not going to keep up with my neighborhood in keeping the lawn perfectly green. It’s such a waste of precious water. I remember back to 1950’s growing up in SW Oklahoma, the heat of August often turned lawns crispy brown. This year, the grass will most likely truly be “greener on the other side of the fence!” Thinking the auto sprinkler needs to stay off. I’ll let the grass show me when it needs water. This way, I’ll be doing my part to conserve one of our resources important to life, water.
– Sharon Broadrick
Catching rainwater off the roof, better than other options for clean water God given and free.
– Seneca Scott
We added solar panels to our home. We recycle all of our bottles and cans monthly. We gift reusable clothing and household items to people in our community. We donate items to be reused. We use hybrid technology in some of our cars (gas/electric). We alternate watering days on our lawn to minimize usage. Our son has planted a garden to grow his own food. We are starting a composting spot in our yard. We shop thrift store clothing, which is one of our favorite ways to reuse clothing! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
– Tonya Ray Scott
Catch cans for watering yard gardens. When we were in Hawaii this was their source of water.
– Kim Reich
Cover crops and emitter irrigation can drip. Just as a couple.
– Carl Cannon
When I’m at a lake or river I always pick up the litter.
– Janet Barrow Mauzey
Don’t waste water by turning on the faucet full blast.
– Linda Terry
Grown man I was. I was shaving while at my dad’s house. He passed by the bathroom. “Hey that water isn’t always going to be there!” I had left the water running while I shaved. I live in California now. Where I am, the states around us are in a very bad drought. Our Oklahoma has some of the best water resources. You can drill down and hit water. Don’t take advantage of it. Be like my dad. It’s precious. My love goes out to my state and my Mae Mama who gave me the blood and spirit which runs through me! Love you all!
– Bill Kerr
Drink natural spring water! Best advice ever!
– Dave Ginden
Recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles.
– Linda Lou Alexander
Reduce Reuse Recycle. I appreciate what you do to help Durant Recycle. I will keep driving my paper and plastic to your bins, but I wish there was a way to have bins at homes in Durant. A lot more people would recycle if it were easier. Also, glass recycle would be awesome.
– Drew Dewald
1. Recycle 2. Recycle 3. Recycle
– Ruth Boydstun
Go through refrigerator weekly and eat leftovers, make soup from any wilted veggies. Peelings and scraps go to chickens or compost. Compost horse manure to fertilize garden.
– Sandra L. Fobb
All aspects of our environment are important to all of us. Litter is one of the biggest problems I see; it affects our water, air and overall beauty of our land and streams. We need to encourage and educate the people of the effects of it without good quality water, there’s no life.
– Johnny D. Ward
We are saving up all our errands for one day a week in an effort to save gas. We plan a route that will save as well. We are also making a weekly grocery list buying only what is needed for meals so that we don’t have food waste.
– Debra McCormick Williams
Learn to walk and share what you have.
– Thomas Joseph Harper
All of the landscaping in our little backyard is edible, including all of the flowers, shrubs, weeds and trees (permaculture), for humans and wildlife. Garden water is from the dish rinse water, water catchment and occasionally the hose. Our wee pond with goldfish gives us fishy poo water for potted plants, gives our critters fresh water and attracts the wildlife that eat our garden snails. Abalone shell near the pond fountain pipe creates a birdbath for the birds that eat the aphids off our plants/trees. Our food waste and paper products go into our homemade worm bins (2 small fish tanks stacked), are put in our composter, or are chopped and dropped on the soil. All leftover veggies at the end of the week turn into soup (the chicken is cooked first, meat removed and bones broken for bone broth for humans and critters. Then veggies are added). All garden pathways and raised beds are made from broken concrete from renovated driveways. All storage and potting bench made from old fencing from a neighbor’s house…It’s fun and creative to live gently on earth. Our yard is only 20×40 but grows 23 kinds of fruit and nut trees/shrubs.
– Michelle N Peter Schaefer
Recycle. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth.
– Clarice Pike McClain
Go back to reusing and making it yourself.
– Sharon Bean
Far too much landfill space is being wasted with items that are not recyclable and often valuable. So far, I have saved a solid wood Duncan Phyfe one pedestal dining table, a 1960’s school desk, lamp, etc. Usable items that had I not gotten very well may have wound up ruined in a landfill, wasting landfill space.
– Alice Leuck
Avoid habitual substances that cost a lot of money.
– Johnny Cornell