How do you show compassion?
Together, we're more. Published February 16, 2022By caring for my family, friends, and chosen family as well as I can. I also show compassion to providers, nurses, physicians, as well as advanced practice providers, medical assistance and the communities we serve through my work in risk management and patient safety. Another way is by working for suicide prevention in primary care and educating the public about suicide prevention and mental health sensitivity. There is so much stigma experienced by victims and survivors; they need compassion, sensitivity and the freedom to express themselves. There is much work to be done in this area, and so much the general public can do.
– Karen David Dinh
I begin by showing respect, consideration, understanding and caring for myself. We can only show compassion we possess within ourselves.
– William Sumahit
Compassion is showing love, kindness, and giving peace to those we meet, which brings pride in who we are. Choctaw strong.
– Barbara Hanks
I volunteer my time and also my gift of cutting hair at a Christian based facility that helps the homeless get back on their feet, and to God be the glory.
– Stacy Adams Maxwell
Compassion is a huge part of my job as a home health aide.
– Diane Hensley Wilhite
I show compassion through my work as a registered nurse, giving quality care to all of my patients, no matter their age, skin color, gender, preferred language, social status, or criminal background. I would also sing to the newborns I took care of in the postpartum nursery in the hospital to get them to sleep.
– Stephanie Williams
I don’t always succeed, but I try to remember that Christ gave his life for those I disagree with as much as he did for me. If He saw fit to sacrifice himself for them, surely I can try to interact with them through kindness and grace.
– Wayne Burden
By standing up for the downtrodden against oppressors and doing what’s right and righting what’s wrong. Seeking to protect what we have and regain what we’ve lost for a better future for future generations.
– David Hill
By caring for family and friends and anyone I see. I try as hard as I can to be kind and treat others the way I would want to be treated. Another way Is I help when anyone’s upset or frustrated to the best of my abilities.
– Kase Burton
It’s the golden rule…’Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'”. If we could remember to do that always, things would most likely run more smoothly across the board.
– Kerry Partridge
I show compassion by sponsoring four children through Compassion International. My small monthly donation provides food, clothing, an education, medicine and mostly the love of Jesus to them. Their colorful letters make my heart fill with joy and fill my eyes with tears every time. They are so grateful.
– Malisa Monique
I visit the local hospital every week with my therapy dog Chewy. He and I visit with both patients and staff. So many people are going through so much. Many patients often say how much they miss their own dog(s) or that they used to have a dog. It really can generate some fond and reminiscent conversations that often brings a smile and an opportunity to focus on something other than what they are currently going through. Our medical professionals are stretched so thin! It’s a real blessing to me to get to spend some time with others to encourage them and thank them for serving our community. #TogetherWereMore” – Darrick Ellis
Compassion is taking care of the children at D2 just like they are your family because, even though they are not related by blood, their parents leave them in our hands to have them grow and be safe. Do unto others like you would want to be treated. I would not give my job up I love it. It’s joy going to work daily.
– Susan Turnbull
By always trying to do what is right.
– Tim Maxville
Showing true compassion comes only from the heart that cries out in the deepest desire to help another in need. In compassion there is no judgment, lack of time nor money, nor is there self-preservation or fear, there is only the need to protect life. Compassion is a direct response to a life that is somehow suffering, i.e., trauma, poverty, lack of knowledge, crisis and loss. It is when we no longer think but simply respond to “cover with our own blanket” another living creature that God has made. I practice compassion by letting my heart feel their pain and remembering my own as I step into their moccasins, and then wrapping my arms around them, knowing that Christ in me can touch them if I simply ask Him to because compassion is a way of life.
– Angelyah Shalombisha
We stopped and picked up four puppies that someone dumped just before the snow and ice last week. Trying to get them in good homes.
– Mike West
A native of Oklahoma, I am a proud member of the Choctaw Nation and graduate of Oklahoma City University. I worked for Oklahoma State Parks for three years bringing native wildlife, trails, and Oklahoma’s outdoors to the public. One of my proudest accomplishments was this $2,000 Covid Recovery and Resilience Fund through the National Environmental Education Foundation by creating a whimsical and accessible trail exhibit at Sequoyah and Boiling Springs State Parks. I now work for Wyoming State Parks.
– Angelina Stancampiano
I show compassion for others by getting vaccinated and wearing a mask.
– Nate Doge
The love and respect I have for self. I try and spread it; I write a short love note to all the earth angels on Facebook every morning!
– Loranna Felsinger Long
I was glad, along with my family, (daughter & grandsons) to help feed the people on the street through Light Fellowship Church in Denison, TX. It was a humbling experience our family will never forget. God bless everyone.
– Gloria Gardner
I volunteer my time and also my gift of cutting hair at a Christian based facility that helps the homeless get back on their feet, and to God be the glory.
– Stacy Adams Maxwell
I keep a bag of snacks, water, socks, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo and loofah in my car to give someone I see that may need it. I’ve even left those kinds of bags at locations I’ve seen them frequent often.
– Jenn Grayson
Help those you can and always show people respect. Make the world a better place.
– Chris Roberts
By always trying to do what is right.
– Tim Maxville