The 2023 Choctaw Nation State of the Nation address is required by tribal law to give tribal members an update on how the Choctaw Nation is performing.
Pi Cultural Center aiukli yvt Durant hikia pako e maya. Akmvt State of the Nation anumpa tilofa ako e hobvt ikbi. Akma, okla, hvchik ikhano hokma State of the Nation vt anumpa vlhpisa aivlhtokowa atokosh nana ho Chahta Okla yvt kaniohmi ka il anola hinla. Chahta Okla yvt himak minti pa kaniohma chi kvt anolashke.
Himak nittak a pa Hikiyvt anumpa yvt pi kania pi bvnna kiyo hosh e toksvli akmvt nan isht aivlhpisa aiena ka il isht anumpuli kia chukka aiimma micha tikba minti ya nana e kaniohma chi kvt e pihisa, Pim atoksvli yvt aivlhpiesa hosh atahli kvt nana hokma ishalichi pi bvnna. Nan achvffa ka il akostinichi tukosh yvmma e mihcha chi. Covid takla kash mak fehna ma, State of the Nation a Tvshka Homma ako il aianoli beka tuk. Eho kako hattak vlheha ya peh tahlepa sipokni ushta kiyomvt tahlepa sipokni tahlapi makvlla hosh haklo beka tuk achinni.
Atokosh himak ano video ako e mihchi atoko 40 to 50,000 pibai achvffa vhleha yvt himak ano pisa. Ilvppako mihichi sv bvnna. Okla kaniohmi hosh Chahta Okla ya e maya ka okla ikhana hinla. Ilvppa ka tuk mako himak hittak a Cultural Center e maya. ish pisa chike. State of the Nation anumpa tilfoa yvt Labor Day weekend a ish pisa hinla ehatokosh hvsh hakla chike.
Yakoke micha Chihowvt chi yukpalashke.