October 2022


Chief Gary Batton delivers 2022 State of the Nation Address virtually

An update on tribal initiatives, programs and services highlights, and Choctaw success stories in the 2022 State of the Nation Address.


Tvshka Homma Ohoyo win their first ever Choctaw Nation Labor Day Championship title

Tvshka Homma Ohoyo defeated Chickasha Toli Ihoo (Chickasaw) 6-3 to win their first Choctaw Nation Labor Day Championship.


2022 Labor Day Festival Royalty Pageant

View photos from the 2022 Labor Day Festival Royalty Pageant.


2022 Labor Day Festival Horseshoes Winners

Check out photos of the winners from the horseshoe categories at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Cornhole and Chair Volleyball Winners

See photos of the winners from the Cornhole and Chair Volleyball tournaments at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Choctaw Village Activities

View a photo gallery that includes social dancing, bowshoot competitions, and traditional Choctaw pottery making demonstrations at the 2022 Labor Day Festival Choctaw Village.


2022 Labor Day Festival Quilt Show Winners

Check out photos of the winners from the Quilt Show categories at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Highlights

Check out photos from the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Basketball Tournament Winners

Check out photos of the winners from the Basketball tournaments at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Fittest Choctaw Winners

Check out photos of the winners from the Fittest Choctaw competitions at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Youth Fitness Challenge

View photos from Chief Batton's Youth Fitness Challenge at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival Checkers and Dominos Winners

Check out photos of the winners from the Checkers and Dominos tournaments at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


2022 Labor Day Festival 5K and Softball Winners

See photos of the winners from the 5K and Softball tournaments at the 2022 Labor Day Festival.


Leadership Speaks

Breast cancer awareness

By Assistant Chief Jack Austin Jr. Since 1985, breast cancer awareness month has been an annual campaign to raise awareness of this disease and fund research into its causes, treatment, and cure.


District 4, October 2022

School is back in session, and everyone is getting back into a routine.


Who is my neighbor

By Olin Williams This question was asked by a lawyer to Jesus in Luke 10:29, "But he willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor?" Webster's dictionary defines it as "One living or located near another." Jesus tells a story that will define the biblical definition of who a neighbor is in Luke 10: 25-37.


District 3, October 2022

By Councilman Eddie Bohanan The Choctaw Labor Day Festival was a super success with jam-packed crowds and activities for all ages over a 3-day event during Labor Day weekend. Many were excited to celebrate together after two years' cancellation due to the pandemic.
