Cambrey Jo Hull is Miss United States Agriculture 2021. She has traveled over 35,000 miles promoting Oklahoma Agriculture.
Cambrey Jo Hull named Miss United States Agriculture 2021
Published May 1, 2022By Chris Jennings
In June 2021, Cambrey Jo Hull of Roland, Oklahoma, was crowned Miss United States Agriculture in Orlando, Florida. Since then, she has traveled over 35,000 miles and raised over $500,000 while promoting her platform, Planting Seeds of Success with Disabled and At-Risk Children.
Hull chose this platform because of struggles she faced growing up, including a speech impediment and audio processing disorder where she couldn’t hear vowel sounds.
Despite her struggles, Hull has never used them as setbacks but as learning opportunities.
“We’re not going to let the past define what our future holds for us. We’re going to continue to move forward, even though we may not think that we can do it. I want to create that support system for young individuals to not give up or lose sight of the end goal,” she said.
Hull says she faced lots of discouragement.
“Growing up, I was told, ‘You’re never going to be successful; you’re never going to be able to speak; and you’re never going to have anything where you feel like you’re valued,'” she said.
One of the things Hull credits for helping her the most is Future Farmers of America. Hull says she felt a boost of confidence the moment she zipped up her blue corduroy jacket. She followed through with that confidence, winning her first speech contest.
“I sat there, and I thought, to all those people who told me I couldn’t, I just proved to them, and I proved myself, that I was fully capable,” said Hull.
Hull is passionate about teaching agriculture to everybody. She says you don’t have to have land or a big yard to participate. “It’s not always just the cows and the plows and the sows. Each person can have a successful story within the agriculture industry,” Hull said.

Demonstrating this, she’s taught kids how to grow plants without soil using aquaculture. She’s also taught floriculture and how to make flower arrangements.
“When you see a little girl sit there and make a beautiful bouquet and the smile that comes across her face, that’s so rewarding knowing that they found something that interests them that they’re able to do,” said Hull.
Hull is the sixth generation of a farming and ranching family. She breeds and raises grand champion heritage and fancy poultry breeds and award-winning waterfowl. Hull competes in career development events and is on a variety of Roland, Oklahoma FFA teams, including prepared public speaking, nursery and landscape, horticulture, livestock judging and land judging.
She is currently a senior at Roland High School, where she is active in the National Honor Society and is the FFA President. She plans to attend Oklahoma State University and pursue a degree in Agriculture Communications with a double minor in Agriculture Leadership and Marketing.