Five people, including, Jennifer Woods, line up for a photo in front of a Christmas tree.
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Councilmember Jennifer Woods and members of the Youth Advisory Board pose for a photo, spreading Christmas cheer.

District 6, February 2025

Published February 3, 2025

By Tribal Councilmember Jennifer Woods

Halito from District 6, The Heart of the Nation, we are excited for 2025 and all that it will bring.

February, the Month of Love, is going to be a busy month. We will start off with our Heritage Day on Wednesday, February 5, with a traditional lunch and a cultural event put on by the Choctaw Nation Cultural Department. We will be holding quarterly Heritage Day events, so make plans to join us. The following week, our seniors will be selecting their King and Queen at our Valentine’s lunch on February 12.

February is also when the Choctaw Nation Livestock Show is held. This event is held on Saturday, February 1 and Sunday, February 2. The FFA students, teachers and families work hard with the animals, and it teaches them so many great values, mainly responsibility. We encourage you to come out and support these students. We will also be hosting the Princess in Training event at the Community Center on February 15 from 10:00 to 2:00. Please share this information with any Choctaw girls who would like to represent District 6 as a princess.

District 6 is continuing to grow, and we would like to build more LEAP homes as well as Affordable Rentals and Independent Elderly homes, but in order to do so, we have to show the need and have ten approved applications before land can be bought and homes built. We are so grateful to have safe and energy efficient homes for our tribal members to live in. Please do not pre-judge your credit. Get your applications in.

We honor our veterans and appreciate the many sacrifices they have made for our freedom. We have many programs to assist our veterans, such as the Veterans Advocacy Program, Warrior Wellness and VASH, which helps with housing. The District 6 Community Center also hosts the Tvshka Warrior Coffee meeting that is held on the third Thursday of the month at 11:00 a.m. It is a time for veterans to gather and support each other, sharing stories and or needs they may have. It’s a great time to meet with other veterans for coffee and conversation. Please mark your calendars for this monthly event and let other veterans know as well.

The District 6 seniors are very active and are always participating in chair volleyball, shopping trips, Indian Taco Sales, cultural activity, day trips as well as longer trips. We have a monthly calendar that gives you a list of all the activities for the month so that you can sign up for any event you are interested in participating in. March and April will be upon us in no time, bring St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and Spring. We look forward to all that each month will bring and will have events to celebrate each holiday. If you are 55 or older, please come join us and enjoy the activities. It is an honor to serve our Tribal Members. We look forward to seeing you all at the Center.
