February 2023
Choctaw Nation works to preserve the stories of its tribal elders
By Shelia Kirven Tribes like the Choctaw Nation recognize the importance of preserving the stories of their elder for future generations and recorded history.
ViewChoctaw Nation Family Medicine Residency program improving Oklahoma healthcare
By Christian Chaney The Choctaw Nation Family Medicine Residency program (CNFMR), located in Talihina, Oklahoma, has improved Oklahoma's difficulties in recruiting and retaining physicians in rural areas.
ViewCNO Community Centers offer essential services for tribal members and elders
By Christian Toews Community centers are a vital resource to the tribal members across the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma reservation area.
ViewTribal member wins big at Junior World Finals
By Christian Toews Choctaw tribal member, Savannah Toon, won the Junior World Finals for Barrel Racing in Las Vegas in December 2022.
ViewCNO helps bring troops home for Christmas
By Chris Jennings Thanks in part to help from the Choctaw Nation, members of the 45th Field Artillery Brigade of the Oklahoma National Guard were able to spend time with their families over the Christmas holidays.
ViewEating disorders can affect all shapes, sizes and ages
By Chris Jennings Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder are serious conditions that affect the lives of many Americans and their families every year.
ViewFinal meeting held in CNO Tribal Council Chambers
On January 14, Choctaw Nation Tribal Council held its last council meeting in the existing Council Chambers in Tvshka Homma.
ViewChoctaw elders participate in annual pecan harvest
The Choctaw Nation’s Agricultural department held its annual Elder Pecan Harvest on December 20, 2022.
ViewDakota Clark accomplishes goals thanks to help from Choctaw Career Development
By Christian Chaney Tribal member Dakota Clark of Poteau, Oklahoma, transformed his life after working with Choctaw Nation's Career Development Program.
ViewLeadership Speaks
Heart healthy for February
By Assistant Chief Jack Austin Jr. American Heart Month brings awareness to the factors surrounding heart disease, like symptoms, complications and risk factors.
ViewDistrict 6, February 2023
By Tribal Councilmember Jennifer Woods It is a new year, which means there are new beginnings, and we are looking forward to this year, believing that good things are ahead for us.
ViewNew Wine in Old Bottles
By Olin Williams The Christian life is a renewing process that will only be completed once the believer reaches home. Thus the Christian life today is a process of new wine placed in a changing bottle.