Shukha Vbi Li Naha Tuk
Chahta Elder Stories: Abe FrazierPublished January 29, 2008
Abe Frazier tells about the time he almost scared a hog to death!
I will tell? Yes, at this time. Okay, what I am going to tell is once I almost killed a hog by scaring it. So that is what I am going to tell! (group laughter)
When I was young; I believe at that time I was around twenty or twenty five, somewhere around that age. It was in the summer and I had been at the creek; it looked like it might rain so I headed toward home. As I was going along by myself; it started to rain before I got home.
There stood a shed made of flat metal and it wasn’t very big; it was raining so I ran to it. I went inside and stood there since it was raining pretty hard. Then I heard a hog coming from a distance and he was repeatedly saying “thonk, thonk”; but he was coming! (group laughter)
So I stepped out the door and looked; he was coming! (group laughter) I stood there thinking he is going to come in here! So I started looking for something to hit him with but there was nothing. The floor was a dirt floor and there was a rusted stovepipe lying there. I stood there looking at it. I grabbed it and raised it above my head!
This is how I stood, holding it like this. I was thinking, “I am going to scare that hog when he comes in here”. I heard him as he kept coming with his thonking! Just as he was coming in, I came down h… a…r…d and hit him on his front side with the stovepipe as I yelled loudly!! (group laughter). He didn’t look like a big hog then; he jumped real high, came back down with a thud and keeled over! (group laughter) When he fell down; he screamed loud like an old woman! (group laughter)
As he was lying there, his feet were trembling/shaking; he imagined he was running! (group laughter) He was also noisy which scared me. I stood there thinking, “if he doesn’t hurry and get up and his heart is bad; he could die”. (group laughter) I just stood there scared saying “get up, get up”. (group laughter)
After a while he recovered and jumped up! When he saw me he went out the door thonking and ran off into the thicket! (group laughter) Finally I too recovered and since I had been scared; I wiped my tears and had a good laugh at him! (group laughter) This is all I am telling. (group laughter)
Does anyone have anything they want to ask? She said does anyone have anything they want to ask? Henry wants to ask something. I am Henry Willis. You know that. Anyway, was that hog wild?
No, that hog belonged to someone who probably lived close by. I don’t know who he belonged to because we hadn’t lived long in this house, we moved to so I don’t know who lived close by. But he probably did belong to someone.
If he died, would you have eaten him? If he had died; I didn’t know how I would tell it. All of these thoughts went through my mind. (group laughter)
Uh, huh. Because if I told this no one would believe me anyway! (group laughter)
Anyone else? Okay, thanks.