- The Choctaw Nation is governed by the Choctaw Nation Constitution, ratified by the people on June 9, 1984. The provides for an executive branch (Chief’s Office), a legislative branch (Tribal Council) and a judicial branch (CNO Judicial).
(sources: CNO website, CNO Constitution)
- The Chief is an elected official.
- Tribal Council members are elected officials.
- Assistant Chief and Judicial members are appointed positions.
- Election Board positions are appointed and are not associates of the Choctaw Nation, except for the Election Secretary and Election Secretary Alternate.
- The Chief performs all duties relevant to the office of Chief Executive.
- The Chief has the power to establish and appoint committees, members and delegates to represent the Choctaw Nation with the advice and consent of the Tribal Council.
- The Chief sets salaries and allowances for all elected or appointed officials and employees of the Choctaw Nation, except for the members of the Tribal Council and Tribal Court.
- The Chief has the power to veto any legislative act, rule or regulation of the Tribal Council.
- The Chief prepares an annual tribal budget for all funds and submits it to the Tribal Council.
- The Chief oversees and directs the operation of tribal programs, activities and services and reports to the Tribal Council quarterly.
- The Chief has the power to remove any official appointed by him, except for members of the Tribal Court and the Tribal Council.
(sources: CNO Constitution)
- The Assistant Chief assists the Chief and performs all duties assigned to him by the Chief.
- The Assistant Chief serves in the absence of the Chief, and when serving, has all the privileges, duties and powers of the Chief.
(sources: CNO Constitution)
- The Tribal Council consists of twelve (12) members, one (1) from each district.
- The Speaker presides over all meetings of the Tribal Council.
- The Secretary of the Tribal Council maintains all records and acts of the Tribal Council, which are available for inspection by tribal members during regular office hours. All documents remain the property of the Choctaw Nation.
- The Tribal Council enacts legislation, rules and regulations that are consistent with the Constitution for the general good of the Choctaw Nation and for the administration and regulation of the Choctaw Nation.
- The Tribal Council develops procedures and regulations for tribal elections. The Council creates an election board whose members are appointed by the Chief with the advice and consent of the Tribal Council.
- The Tribal Council makes decisions pertaining to the purchasing, leasing, disposal, and management of tribal property.
- The Tribal Council acts as a court in all cases of impeachment.
- The Tribal Council is responsible for approving the annual tribal budget and prescribes salaries and allowances for members of the Tribal Council and the Tribal Court.
- The Tribal Council has the power to override the Chief’s veto of any of its actions if at least eight (8) members vote in favor of overriding the veto.
- The Council acts upon all appointments requiring confirmation in thirty (30) days or less after the appointment is presented for confirmation. The appointment becomes effective without confirmation if the Council fails to act.
- The selection of legal counsel is made by the Chief and approved by the Tribal Council and the Secretary of the Interior. Secretarial approval is only necessary when required by Federal Law.
(sources: CNO Constitution)
As a sovereign tribal nation, we have the right of suffrage, which is the cornerstone of democracy that:
- Allows tribal members to vote on representation of government officials who share their values and priorities.
- Allows tribal members to hold leaders accountable.
- Provides legitimacy to our nation through fair elections.
- Empowers the voice of the tribal member.
General elections are held every two (2) years. Elections for Chief and six (6) Tribal Council members are held during one election, and the election for the other six (6) Tribal Council members is held two years later. There will be no election if the position is uncontested, or the candidate does not draw an opponent.
For summer 2025, elections will be held for Council Districts 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12.