EPS Environmental Compliance

Environmental Compliance

Assures the tribe is in compliance with environmental laws and regulations.


Ensures aboveground storage tanks meet regulatory standards to prevent leaks and spills that could harm the environment.

Evaluates CNO facility’s adherence to environmental laws and regulations to ensure responsible and lawful operations.

Develops and assesses policies and permits to regulate activities that impact the environment, ensuring sustainable practices.

Provides education and training to individuals and facilities on environmental regulations, best practices, and sustainability.

Monitors and manages the proper disposal and handling of fats, oils, and grease to prevent sewer blockages and environmental contamination.

Regulates the use of pesticides at CNO facilities to protect human health and the environment.

Identify, inventory, rank, and consider for possible cleanup all open dump sites in the Choctaw Reservation. High priority sites can be cleaned up after the sites are evaluated and ranked.

Suggest a Clean Up Site Open Dump Cleanup Flyer

Identifies and assesses illegal dumping sites to address and mitigate environmental hazards and pollution.

Educates and implements strategies and practices to reduce or eliminate waste and pollution at the source, promoting environmental sustainability.

Facilitates the collection and processing of recyclable materials to reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize environmental impact across Southeastern Oklahoma.

Manages hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste to protect human health and the environment from potential contamination.

Develops and enforces plans at CNO facilities to prevent oil spills and outlines measures for responding to spills to protect public and environmental health.

Ensures construction sites and industrial facilities follow plans to manage stormwater runoff and prevent water pollution.

Regulates underground storage tanks to prevent leaks that could contaminate soil and groundwater.

Assesses unused land to identify potential environmental issues.

Contact Information

[email protected]