Upcoming Legislative Session Items to Keep an Eye On
The Chief speaks about the upcoming legislative session and why there are a few items that have increased significance to the Choctaw Nation.
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Bruce E. Jessie was recognized, Retired U.S. Army Master Sgt. and commander of the Choctaw Nation Honor Guard, for his service.
View ArticleBut we are more than all of these things. We are Choctaw Proud.
Anyone can be Choctaw Proud. The Choctaw Proud are humble, appreciative people who value faith, family and culture. We honor the past, live in the present and look to the future. We are resilient people, overcoming adversity with grace and dignity. Those who are Choctaw Proud work hard to be successful and give back to their communities.
The Chief speaks about the upcoming legislative session and why there are a few items that have increased significance to the Choctaw Nation.
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ViewThe Choctaw Nation has released its 2024 annual report that shows what was accomplished for tribal members. The report shows the health of the nation and how the nation has thrived.
ViewThe Choctaw Nation Public Health Department is proud to offer at-home screening services for sexually transmitted infections.
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ViewThe Choctaw Nation encourages tribal members to open their homes, either short term or long term to Choctaw foster children.
ViewFebruary is American Heart Month – a reminder to prioritize heart health. Check out some of the ways Choctaw Nation offers help and guidance regarding a healthy heart.
ViewLearn how to say this phrase in Choctaw: "That picture is pretty."